03 février 2005
Et toc.

Le parlement européen a finalement renvoyé le projet de directive européenne sur les brevets logiciels à la case départ. On reprend tout à zéro.

Avec un peu de chance, sur des bases saines.

Entre les oreilles : Marciao Faraco - Nos Braços De Redendor

Écrit par O. le 03 février 2005 à 10:44

Un lien sur Groklaw.

Michel Rocard MEP gave a very strong speech at the meeting with the Commissioner. Apart from noting several "inelegancies" by the Commission, such as not taking into account any of the Parliament's substantive amendments in its recommendation to the Council, he also took issue with the Dutch and German governments ignoring their respective parliaments, the Irish Presidency's sponsorship by Microsoft and the attempted ratifications of the political (dis)agreement at several fishery Council meetings.

He mentioned that at a meeting with the Polish government, the industry players confirmed that the Council text allowed pure software patents, and wondered how the Commission could continue claiming the reverse. He was also curious about how the Commission's perfectly tautological definition of the concept "technical" could help in any way to distinguish between what is patentable and what is not.

Le gras est de moi, Michel Rocard est le rapporteur au parlement européen pour ce sujet. C'est bon pour la démocratie.

Mis à jour par loïc le 03 février 2005 à 11:30